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We are a family who warmly welcomes new members to join our community. We come together for a powerful worship service, dynamic teaching of the Word of God, fellowship and fervent prayer, mirroring the foundation created by the early church. Making disciples and affecting the lives of those around us is our priority.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build a place where people of all backgrounds can gather, worship God freely, learn and apply the Word of God, develop godly relationships, be encouraged in their faith, and be empowered to share God’s love by serving others.

Our Vision

It is in the local church that believers are strengthened, encouraged and equipped for the work of God.  Our vision is to equip the body of believers to lead victorious lives and take the gospel outside of our four walls.


Our Beliefs

  • The Bible Is the inspired and infallible Word of God (Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:15-16)

  • In the imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (John 14:3, Rev 22:20) 

  • Mankind fell from relationship with God and must be spiritually reborn by believing and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (Romans 5:8-10; John 3:3, 16)

  • In the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. (Acts 2:4; Acts 10:44)

  • In baptism by immersion. (Matthew 28:19)

  • In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, in His atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory. (I Corinthians 15:3-4, I Peter 2:18-24, John 3:16)

  • There is one God, creator and ruler of the universe, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

Our Pastor


Pastor Joshua Krishna

At the age of 21, Pastor Joshua Krishna received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Passionate about growing in his faith, he pursued an education in Christianity and obtained his ministerial license at Spirit Life Bible College. Now equipped with the necessary knowledge, Pastor Joshua Krishna was mandated by God to start a church in the Bay Area. Shortly after, he founded Embassy SF.  With the help of his wife Diane and his son Joseph, they have been able to quickly grow the church from a small group into an expansive and diverse church with over 300 members.


925 Linden Ave, South San Francisco, CA

 (650) 873-0209

Doing Life Together, God's Way

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